Ending Hunger and PovertyMeat as a vow or ransom in the governoratesMeat as a vow or ransom in the governorates You can donate the value of…More …
Ending Hunger and PovertyVow or ransom meat inside the houseVow or ransom meat inside the house You can donate the value of a local…More …
Ending Hunger and PovertyIftar Hot MealsIftar Hot Meals The Orman Association provides 3 types of hot meals to break the…More …
Ending Hunger and PovertyHelping Poor Family with a Sick FatherHelping Poor Family with a Sick Father Many families need a monthly subsidy because their…More …
Ending Hunger and PovertySacrificial MeatSacrificial Meat – Many of us slaughter the sacrifice and do not know how to…More …