People to Whom Zakat is Paid

People to whom Zakat is paid are those that are entitled to it, and these are the eight categories of people that Allah Almighty mentioned exclusively in His statement: “As-Sadaqah (Zakah) are only for the Fuqara’(poor), and Al-Masakeen (the needy), and those employed to collect (the Zakah), and to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined towards Islam, and to free captives, and for those in debt, and for Allah’s cause (i.e. for those fighting in holy battles), and for the wayfarer (a traveller who is cut off from everything); a duty imposed by Allah. Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise.” (At-Taubah: 60)

1- The poor

Definition: The plural of faqir, a person who does not have anything with which he can fulfil his basic needs and that of his family i.e., food and drink, clothing and shelter.
He is given from Zakah that which is enough to sustain him and his family for a complete year.

2- The needy

The plural of miskeen, a person who possesses half or more of his needs e.g. a person with one hundred but needs two hundred. The balance he needs is given to him and his family for a year.

3- Its administrators

-Those who have been appointed by the authorities to gather Zakat and monitor its distribution to those who need it. -They are given from the Zakat fund an amount equal to the wages they get for their work, even if they are rich, for the collectors have devoted themselves to this work, unless they are paid wages or salaries from the state and then they should not be give from the Zakah. The collectors are those who work in collecting Zakah, recording it, guarding it and giving it out to its beneficiaries.

Settling the administrators of Zakah.

A Zakah administrator and a debtor-even if they are rich-are paid from the Zakah. This is also the case of a person capable of earning a living, if he is fully engaged in seeking knowledge of the Shari’ah but does not have money – because seeking knowledge is (a form of) striving in the cause of Allah. Also included in these categories is the fighter in the cause of Allah and those whose hearts are inclined towards Islam. However in a case where the one capable of earning is a worshipper that left his work to fully devote himself to optional aspects of worship, he is not paid from Zakah, because the benefit of the worship is restricted to the worshipper, as in contrast to knowledge.

Allah Almighty said: “O you who believe! Spend of the good things which you have (legally) earned, and of that which We have produced from the earth for you, and do not aim at that which is bad to spend from it, (though) you would not accept it save if you close your eyes and tolerate therein. And know that Allah is Rich (Free of all wants), and Worthy of all praise. Shaitan (Satan) threatens you with poverty and orders you to commit Fahsha (evil deeds, illegal sexual intercourse, sins etc.); whereas Allah promises you Forgiveness from Himself and Bounty, and Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knower.” (Al- Baqarah: 267:268)

4- Those whose hearts are inclined towards Islam

Respected leaders, for whom it is hoped, by giving them Zakah, that they will either accept Islam, refrain from evil, have their faith strengthened (if already Muslims), or defend the Muslims against an enemy.
They are given from the Zakah an amount that results in their hearts being inclined towards Islam, God willing.

5- The Slaves

The slave and the partial slave (who is the slave who is trying to buy himself from his master) are given from the Zakah what is enough for them to free themselves completely.
Zakah can be paid to them so that each one of them is able to become a completely free man and a useful member of the society, and be able to worship Allah, the Most High, in the best manner. Paying the ransom for Muslim prisoners of war is also included in this category.

6- Debtors

Debtors (Al-Gharimoon) : The plural of gharim: The one in debt.
1- A person who incurs a debt to fulfil his personal needs; he is given from Zakah an amount to pay the debt, if he is poor.
2- A person who incurs a debt as a result of reconciling two groups of Muslims; he is given from Zakah an amount to pay his debt, even if he is rich.

7- For Allah’s cause

Those who are fighting in the cause of Allah.
They are given an amount that will suffice them in fighting in the cause of Allah. Also included in this category are numerous da’wah activities that are counted as striving in the cause of Allah, if such could not be sponsored or sustained through non-obligatory alms (Sadaqah).

8- The wayfarer

A traveller who is stranded and has no money with him.
He is given from Zakah an amount that ensures his safe delivery to his country of residence, even if he is rich in his own country.


1- Zakah can never be given to any other than the eight categories of people mentioned, even if it is for a good and philanthropic cause e.g., the building of Mosques, schools, hospitals, and other charitable causes which are eligible for alms.
2- It is not a condition to cover all of the eight categories mentioned; rather, it suffices if any of them is given the Zakah.

Those to Whom Zakat is Not Paid

1- The wealthy and those able to earn a living
Due to the Prophet’s statement: “There is no share of it (Zakah) for the rich and those who are strong and able to earn a living.” [ Source:Abu Dawud]

2- Parents, children and wives (those who are financially dependent on the person)
It is not permissible to give Zakat to those whom a Muslim is obliged to cater for e.g., the father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, children, and grandchildren; this is because giving Zakat to them will make them needless of his mandatory spending, thereby freeing him of their burden and as a result the benefits of Zakat goes to him, just as if he had paid it to himself.

3- Disbelievers whose hearts are not inclined (to Islam etc.)
It is not permissible to give Zakat to disbelievers, as long as the intention is not to incline their hearts to Islam etc. This is due to the Prophet’s statement: “It (Zakah) is collected from their rich and given to their poor,” [ Source: Al-Bukhari]

i.e., the rich among the Muslims and their poor, but none other than them. Also, because one of the aims of Zakat is to enrich the poor Muslims and consolidate the pillars of love and brotherhood among individuals of the Islamic society, but this is not permissible with regards to the disbelievers.

4- The household of the Prophet [ The Prophet’s household are the offspring (Banu) of Hashim]
Zakah is not permissible for the household of the Prophet as a mark of honor and respect to them. The Prophet said: “Indeed these alms are only people’s impurities and indeed they are not permissible for Muhammad and his household.” [ Source: Muslim]

5- The freed slaves of the household of the Prophet
They are the slaves freed by the household of the Prophet, due to this hadith: “Indeed, alms are not permissible for us and verily, the freed slaves of a people are part of them.” [ Source: At-Tirmidhi] “Part of them” i.e., the ruling concerning the former also applies to the latter. As such, Zakah is forbidden for the freed slaves of the household of Banu Hashim.

6- An unfreed slave
Zakah is not paid to a slave, because the property of a slave belongs to his master. When Zakat is paid to him, it is transferred to the ownership of his master. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of his master to cater for him. Excluded from this is the one working to free himself from slavery (mukatib); he is given from Zakat what is sufficient to settle what is left of the stipulated amount. Also, the slave who administers Zakah can be given Zakah; when a slave is an administrator of Zakah, he is given from it, because he is like a labourer and a slave can be hired on the permission of his master.
