Payment of Zakat

When the payment of Zakat is due

The prompt payment of Zakat is compulsory when the means are available, and it is not permissible to postpone its payment except in cases of necessity e.g.
if the money is in a country that is far away, or the person is serving a jail term etc.
Evidence for the prompt payment of Zakah is in Allah’s statement “…but pay the due thereof on the day of its harvest” (Al-An ‘am: 141), “…and give Zakah” (An-Nur: 56); (a Qur’anic order), as an order necessitates prompt compliance.

Ruling concerning advanced payment of Zakah

It is permissible to pay Zakah up to two years in advance if the Nisab is complete at the time of advancing the payment.

Where Zakah should be paid

Although it is preferred to pay Zakah to the people of the country wherein the property lies, it is also permissible to transfer Zakah from its country of origin to another country, which is either near or far from the country where the property is located, for any specific reason, for example if the other country is experiencing extreme poverty, or if the payer of Zakah has relatives there who are poor (to the same extent as those in his own country). Indeed, paying Zakah to one’s relations who are in need is beneficial, i.e. it is charity (Sadaqat) and also it strengthens the bond of kinship.

The opinion of the permissibility of transferring Zakah is correct, due to the statement of Allah Almighty: “As-Sadaqat (Zakah) are only for the Fuqara’(poor), and Al-Masakeen (the needy)” (At-Taubah: 60), i.e. the poor and the needy everywhere.

That which is taken for Zakah and that which is not

Zakah is taken from the average of the wealth, not from its best nor from its worst. It is therefore, not obligatory for one paying his Zakah to give the healthiest of his cattle, the pregnant one or the Billy goat. Nor does he have to give the finest of his fruits; unless it so pleases him and he is satisfied with that.
But he may not give the bad instead of the good, unless all his wealth is bad or all his cattle were sick, in that case he may pay his Zakah from that.
Allah Almighty says: “…and do not aim at that which is bad to spend from it, (though) you would not accept it save if you close your eyes and tolerate therein.” (Al- Baqarah: 267).
Furthermore, in the hadeeth: “Al-Harema [ Al-harema: Very old] (an old goat), one with a defect in the eye [ Dhat ‘ewar: It has a defect with which it can’t be bought] or a Tays [ Tays: A Billy goat that is not fertile, so it is useless] (infertile male goat) is not to be accepted as sadaqah (Zakah) unless the collector wishes,” [ Narrated by Bukhari] and he also said (to Mu’ath): “Refrain from picking (as a share of Zakah) from the best of their wealth.” [ Narrated by Bukhari]


1- The Zakah payer must investigate to see who are eligible to receive Zakah. It should not be only an annual habit, just giving it to anyone even if the people do not deserve it. The Prophet said: “But no rich man or one who is strong and able to earn has a share of it.” [ Source: Abu Dawud]
2- The Zakah payer must strive to find those who rightfully deserve the Zakah and are most in need of it. The more a person shows the characteristics of rightfully deserving Zakah, the more he should receive it; such as a poor relative or a poor seeker of knowledge, and so on.

Those who deserve Zakah most

It is important for the payer of Zakah to investigate to see who are most deserving of Zakah and who are in dire need of it. The more characteristics of eligibility one finds in an individual, the more deserving he is of Zakah, e.g., a poor relative or a poor student of knowledge and so on, in this manner.

Important facts about Zakah

Monetization of Zakah:

The basic way to pay Zakah is to pay it from what it is mandated on; but it is permissible to monetize it when a compelling need for this arises.

Investing the Zakah money to benefit the recipients:

It is permissible to invest Zakah money in beneficial projects whose benefits go to the people entitled to it when an immediate need requiring its prompt distribution is not found.

Is there any other right apart from Zakah e.g., tax to be paid on a property?

– Zakah is a calculated periodic right payable from a property and it is an individual obligation upon everybody that has the capacity to pay it.
– On one’s property there are other rights apart from Zakah, which are characterized by being contingent and are not calculated according to any known formula as Zakah is. They are also not as constant as Zakah and do not become obligatory due to the presence of money; rather, they become obligatory due to some contingent reasons, and the ownership of money is a condition for it being obligatory. Examples include spending on one’s parents, relatives, wife, and in the prevention of any harm in times of disaster when the public treasury cannot take care of it.
– Levies/taxes do not spare one from Zakah, even if they are equitable. Zakah is a form of worship, while tax is a civic duty and one does not replace the other.
