Yemen Solar Powered Lighting provided to village Daba Karaja in Socotra, Yemen

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  3. Yemen Solar Powered Lighting provided to village Daba Karaja in Socotra, Yemen

Yemen Solar Powered Lighting provided to village Daba Karaja in Socotra, Yemen

Yemen suffers from a high percentage of infant mortality among preterm and newborn children. This has created an urgent need to increase nurseries in hospitals due to the large displacement caused by the Yemeni crisis.

This initiative aims to contribute to the decrease of infant deaths and contribute to awareness and prevention of complications of diseases and epidemics among newborns.

The society distributed 15 incubators for premature children in a number of hospitals, including Tarim and Al-Jawf Hospital, Martyr Mohammed Hael Hospital and Kare Hospital in Marib city, benefiting about 5670 children from preterm infants thus far.

Medical equipment was distributed at the Swiss health center in the city of Trim, including a comprehensive blood test and a television set, while the Nessma water project was launched in the city of Sah, which benefited about 1320 people.

The initiatives extended its humanitarian services by carrying out artificial limbs transplant for 30 cases with physiotherapy in the province of Aden, and the work of dialysis center in the hospital Friendship in Aden.

The Society continues to provide the necessary assistance in the health sector to alleviate the suffering of the wounded and sick in various Yemeni governorates

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