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Digging of Deep Boreholes with Tanks & Solar-Powered Pumps
Qatar Red Crescent
Water & Sanitation
Digging of Deep Boreholes with Tanks & Solar-Powered Pumps
Qatar Red Crescent
Water & Sanitation
Digging of Deep Boreholes with Tanks & Solar-Powered Pumps
Digging of Deep Boreholes with Tanks & Solar-Powered Pumps
Digging of 10 boreholes & installation of water tanks & solar-powered pumps, for the benefit of 35,000 people, at a total cost of QR 4,143,800
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Digging of Deep Boreholes with Tanks & Solar-Powered Pumps
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Digging of Medium-Depth Boreholes with Tanks & Solar-Powered Pumps
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