The Shariah Association launches the media campaign to introduce its activities and projects

Under the slogan: “Be ahead of the good deeds”, the main Sharia Association launched the media campaign for the year 2022, which extends until March 2023, in the presence of the leaders of the Association, led by Professor Dr. Abu Salib, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Latif Qandil, Scientific Representative of the Main Sharia Association, Dr. Hassan Al-Qasabi, Vice Dean of the College of Islamic Studies for Boys, and Dr. Ali Fouad Mukhaimer, Head of the Medical Sector, Dr. Mohamed Rashad, Head of Specialized Medical Centers, Eng. Mustafa Abdo, Treasurer, and a number of the association’s leaders and supervisors and sectors, and a group of the association’s sons and employees.

Dr. Al-Barbari said, “The Sharia Society always calls for goodness and seeks it and establishes its love in hearts in compliance with the command of the All-Knowing of the Unseen,” referring to the development in the method of the Society’s work in line with the requirements of the times, and the adoption of the causes of scientific progress in all fields: medical, agricultural, developmental, educational and educational And relief, “Science is its concern for the services of the orphan, the students of knowledge, the sick, and the contribution to national projects to serve the poor of this nation.”

He added: “We comply with the Book of our Lord and act according to the Sunnah of our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the efforts of the sons of the Assembly who are devoted to God. God said: (So whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him do a righteous deed and not associate anyone with the worship of his Lord), and he said: (And they were not commanded except to worship God sincerely to Him in religion.” taproot); Sincerity is that a person works in the legitimate association, he does not care about his name, rather he is concerned with his description and the service of the association, the Almighty said: (And do good that you may be successful), and whoever works in the rehab of our association says that I am a Muslim and humbles himself without being arrogant to other than God’s creation, the association serves and takes care of man, whatever his religion We are committed to the Islamic values ​​of building, progress, urbanization and communication.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors indicated that the Sharia Association is a luminous association, thanks to God, and its employees pray to God to do good, chanting:

A legitimate association in which guidance is the farmer.. Generations are not suitable except in our spacious mosques

In the kindergarten of the Qur’an in the shadow of the authentic hadiths.. in the shadow of a lively prayer and the farmer
